Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Casual Corner

Today in Casual Corner we will be looking at the break out hit in the itunes app store, "Game Dev Story".

This charming little app is somewhat of a simulation type game in which you are a fledgling CEO of a brand new video game developing company. Here you control who you hire and what direction you take your games from genre and archetype. The progress and scores of your games are all dependent on the cleverly named staff, such as Ann Deroid and James Kirby, that you employ yourself. As time progresses hopefully you and your super team of developers will be able to move up in the gaming world and not only gain a bigger office, but even develop your own system!
My branch is not Newb Friendly...Your Fired!

The game paces quite quickly in the development of games and overall in the world. Players have the options to take on small jobs for larger companies, or to go head on and create their own game.Success relies on the skill of your workers or on paid outside help. Your job as a CEO determines how well you can advertise your merchandise and collect a large enough fan base to send your company sky rocketing to the top!

Events such as the game show awards and the game convention allow players to get a little competitive against their computer adversary companies, and captures the excitement of becoming a big name powerhouse.

This isn't ment to be a hardcore gamers dream game, but I do promise that it's slight pun on well known games, consoles, and people in the gaming world will bring a little smile to your face.
Sony's Blackmarket rip off will be quite the hit i hear!

Overall I found the music to be quite catchy, the graphics to be charming, and the game itself a joy. In my book if you enjoy video games there is no reason why you shouldnt give Game Dev Story a try.

To close the development of this review, I'll give Game Dev Story a 9 out of 10.

Some people seem to agree with the number 9

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