Some of you might be a bit too young to know this character, however i believe that many of you will know Ms. Taiga Aisaka, also known as the "Palmtop Tiger". Heed my warning though folks this cosplay is not too well done, so for the very first time, dear readers, I will let the gauntlets loose.
To be honest I'm not sure where to start with where I have problems, could it be the fact there her coat is the wrong shade of red, or the fact that her shirt doesn't follow the shows dress code, maybe frayed hairs coming off the side of her wig, or the obvious Photoshop that went into this? No, its a compilation of everything on the list. Let's start off with the picture itself, When submitting a picture of cosplay to a cosplay website, one should make sure to show off the entire costume at work, not a head-shot that could be mistaken for a Facebook profile picture. As with the costume itself, from what we get to see of it that is, I can only get the sense that the cosplayer had simply looked in their closet and thought "oh a red sweater and a whit shirt, I'm set to be Taiga!" From the sweater is where i get the sense that Photoshop was at work as my eye for shooped pictures is not the best, however the colors just seem over saturated to the point where the sweater becomes obnoxious. In fact the only reason I could even tell who this character was suppose to be was from the wig that looks like it was purchased off of ebay. If you feel my opinions are quite harsh, than I believe you are entitled to your opinion as i should be entitled to mine, however my opinion is that this cosplay scores a solid 3.
For those of you who never knew Taiga, here is a reference picture.
Just because of my lapse in memory I would like to remind my readers that this is suppose to be "Cosplay of the Week" not day X.x